The 5 Best Professional Print Labs to Use

Wedding photographers, more than anyone, know print labs. They know which are fast, which color correct, which handle packaging the best and so much more. At first glance, it might appear that each professional print offers unique products. But once you dive deeper you'll find that the majority of the labs out there offer the same products. The same wood prints, metal prints, paper prints, canvas prints, gift prints, etc.

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Announcing Automated Print Fulfillment for WordPress

Automated Print Fulfillment is here! NextGEN Pro’s ecommerce system has always supported the sale of manual prints and digital downloads. Now, print orders can be fulfilled and shipped by Automated Print Fulfillment to customers through White House Custom Colour, one of the leading print labs in the United States. Photographers can now do everything they need on WordPress.

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Where To Find Legitimate Photography Contracts You Can Use

A photography contract with a sign here sticker placed on top of a black board

Drafting photography contracts is an essential part of not just setting up your photography business but also protecting it. Just like you would put processes in place for your marketing, bookkeeping, and client communications, keeping an updated contract is equally crucial – even as a beginner. You may develop great relationships with your clients but without a legally binding agreement – that holds both parties responsible – there’s always a risk of coming face to face with situations that might hamper those relationships and the business you’ve built. Whether you are a beginner or have been in the industry for a while now, contracts can save you and your clients from wasting time, energy, resources. If you don’t have a contract yet or are still using one from when you first started in the industry, today’s blog takes you through the importance of contracts, what to include in them, and where you can find contract templates online. 


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5 Ways To Make Time For Photography

A close up shot of a person holding a camera and zooming in on a butterfly

How many times have you added ‘make time for photography’ in your new year’s resolutions list or your weekly TDL and then never actually got around to doing it? If the answer is “plenty”, then don’t worry, you are not alone. You may be a professional photographer, but there may be times when you get bogged down by the countless other tasks you have to perform to keep your business running, including post-production. But it doesn’t have to be like that all the time. Finding time for photography can be made possible when you adopt strategies that increase your efficiency. Things like outsourcing some aspects of your business, using a client management system, and smart photo editing tools could not only help you work more efficiently but perhaps even enable you to offer a better experience to your clients. Stick around, and we will tell you all about how you don’t have to have some grand plan to take out time to capture more of those stunning images.


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