Imagely 2.0 Documentation Release message by Scott In 2020, we launched a completely new version of Imagely. Imagely 2.0 is more powerful, easier to use, and produces more beautiful designs than ever…

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How to Photograph Paintings For The Best Quality Prints

A painting can be very tricky to photograph, as it presents a number of unique considerations for the photographer. With just a few simple tips, however, you can create professional-quality representations of the painting, perfect for prints, submitting your art for exhibitions or galleries, or just to share your work online.

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5 Tips for Photographing Kids at Home

Photographing teenagers can be challenging but the results are definitely worth it. A recent project I set myself during lockdown was to see how I could take creative photographs of things normally considered too dull to bother capturing on camera. I’ll admit trying to coerce reluctant ‘models’ (aka my teenage children) into posing for a camera was sometimes difficult. But patience was rewarded and it created a sense of purpose in my daily routine and kept me on the right side of sane. As well as keeping my eye in using my Leica cameras and lenses.

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The Strait of Bosporus

The Bosporus Strait is 19 miles long and more than a mile wide. So, a boat ride on it is a great way to view the structural opulence of the East and the splendor of the West that line the Asian and the European shores of this wonderful continent-spanning city.

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